Thursday, February 2, 2012

First day in New York...

So here I am in NEW YORK CITY! It is a bit overwhelming and there are literally a billion people everywhere. So after arriving at La Guardia airport and getting my luggage into the car I experienced my first intense Traffic Jam in the city. We literally sat completely unmoving in a line for at least fifteen minutes waiting to go thought the tunnel. But once we crossed into the city things sped up rather quickly. The worst part has been lugging my two suitcases (one exactly fifty pounds), and two carry on's up four flights of stairs! Whew, even if I didn't have a cold that trek is not one that I care to repeat any time in the near future. But now here I am and completely unpacked. On my first outing in the city I decided to browse around within a couple of blocks and see whats all around me. The Goodwill store sadly was not organized very well and didn't have a fun selection but was nearby so I stopped in. The next big stop was Whole Foods Market. Yes I know we have these at home but I stopped to get just a few things to snack on while I am here, but without really realizing it I was STARVING! it was almost 3pm and my breakfast at 7am was too long ago. So my first meal....a slice of delicious pizza and a bowl of mixed berries. It is a bit strange not knowing what the people around me are doing...To my sister at home who always calls to check on my plans for the evening, I already appreciate you more! Well my first day at work is tomorrow morning so as Midwest lame as it sounds I think I am in for the night. Thanks for following and I will keep you posted on what else goes on during my great adventure!

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