Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reality TV...on Camara for the World to See

Hello, and good morning on this rainy January day. So did anyone watch the Bachelor last night? I have this tradition with my gal pals that with each new season we get together to watch the drama unfold. It is so funny to see how this "Love" phenomenon works out with each new Bachelor or Bachelorette. This season its Ben, Winemaker form Cali. and I have to say the girls this season are crazy!! Each episode so far their has been some sort of hysterics. Girls crying, fainting, threatening bodily harm to the other girls...I have officially decided girls make all girls look bad. They are insecure, catty, backstabbing, aggressive, and for many of them fake, all the things guys say girls are. So I quick shout out to Lavern and Shirley, Love you girls and the fun times we have! So far I think our picks for the the final three are Jennifer, Kacie B., and Lindsey, though Emily did make a good impact on us last night. Courtney the model is mentally deranged and such a stereotypical "model/ mean girl" and Blakley and Monica are a bit too diva for my liking. Yes, I  know its not reality but if your are willing to put your best and worst on camera for the world to see then you shouldn't get upset if people comment on how you act. It's actually an interesting concept to live your life as is someone is always watching...because they are. So don't do those stupid things you wouldn't do in front of your parents, or other people you look up to. I want to live my life with integrity so that no matter who I am with or where I am, I am me, 100%.

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