Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Start of the Season

Ok, so I know it has been a bit since my last 6 months to be exact. So to catch you up on whats been going on in my life.
 I am back in good old Columbus, Ohio! New York City was great, I loved it and I returned for a visit in October, before SANDY messed it all up. I also spent the month of September in Cincinnati on Business. In June I became the Aunt to the cutest nephew in the world and my new best friend. And I started a new position with my company doing Management training. I guess thats the cliffs notes of the past few months and I am sure I will fill in more of the blanks as we go.
Well now that we have caught up on everything I wanted to share a bit about the start of the holiday season. 

At work today I was thinking about how this time of year brings on the stress. I know there are plans to be made, parties to attend, gifts to purchase, and family gatherings to deal with but the holidays are supposed to be the Most Wonderful time of the YEAR right?! In case I haven't mentioned it before, I work in retail. If anyone has EVER worked in the service industry, (and I am sure many of you have) you know that greeting people is a very basic part of your role...yet to get such rude reactions from people when you just say "Hi" or "How can I help you?" is actually kind of heartbreaking. Rejections come with the territory of working in sales but common curtesy and friendliness can literally turn my whole day around. So I am going to encourage you, be kind this holiday season, Look at people when you talk to them. Smile at people like your waitress, sales person, flight attendant, or customer service representative. Believe me, they will be more inclined to help you get what you want and you can really help spread the holiday cheer.   

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